Black Wattle Clay Bodies
We stock a range of Blackwattle Clay Bodies, in particular their Paper Clay and Stoneware Clay Body range. For pricing, please refer to the
white earthenware paper clay
Fine white paper clay, suitable for handbuilding or wheel throwing. Use standard earthenware glazes 1050-1100℃.
Needs higher firing temperatures if vitrification is required.
Shrinkage rate Bisque 6%. Earthenware 6%. Midfire 6%.

buff terracotta paper clay
Buff Terracotta PAPER CLAY is based on a terracotta clay with the addition of cellulose fibres to the clay make it much stronger and more forgiving than normal clay. This clay is extremely strong in the unfired state, making it suitable for use as an air drying clay. For air drying clay, apply a sealant or paint the dry clay with acrylic paint.This clay can also be kiln fired. Extremely good clay for schools. Fires a soft teracotta depending on temperature. Fine Grog (0.5 mm) for slabwork.
Shrinkage rate Bisque 10%. Earthenware 11%. Midfire 13%. Stoneware 14%.

white stoneware paper clay
Fine white paper clay, suitable for handbuilding or wheel throwing.
Use standard stoneware glazes 1120-1280℃.
Needs higher firing temperatures if vitrification is required.Shrinkage rate
Bisque 8%. Earthenware 9 %. Midfire 12%. Stoneware 14%.

white grogged stoneware paper clay
The addition of cellulose fibres to the white grog raku clay to make it much stronger and more forgiving than normal clay. This clay is extremely strong in the unfired state, making it suitable for use as an air drying clay. For air drying clay, apply a sealant or paint the dry artworks.
This clay can also be kiln fired. Underglaze decoration should be applied after bisque (1st) firing. Excellent clay for large handbuilt work where a textured clay is required.Suitable for slabs, platters, tiles etc.
Fires from 1100 to 1280C.
Shrinkage rate Bisque 8%. Earthenware 9 %. Midfire 11%. Stoneware 13%.

Porcelain Prestige Paper Clay
Prestige Porcelain Paper Clay is an extremely white clay. Suitable for fine work. Very fine body at 120 mesh. High plasticity and strength due to cellulose fibers. Translucent when thin. Suitable for multiple surface treatments. Especially suitable for building techniques, also suitable for throwing and trimming.
Recommended bisque 1050℃ and glaze 1260-1280℃.
Shrinkage rate Bisque 5%. Earthenware 7 %. Midfire 9%. Stoneware 11%.

fine white stoneware
Highly plastic quality white firing clay. Excellent clay body for throwing functional forms including tableware and mugs. Reliable colour response and glaze fit. White in oxidation, light grey in reduction. Vitrification at stoneware temperatures.
Shrinkage rate Bisque 5%. Earthenware 6 %. Midfire 9%. Stoneware 12%.

buff speckle stoneware
Suitable for throwing. Enough strength for larger pieces. Fires light brown to warm midbrown as temperature increases.
Needs high firing stoneware temperature for vitrification.
Shrinkage rate Bisque 5%. Earthenware 7 %. Midfire 10%. Stoneware 12%

All information provided has been sourced from Black Wattle Pottery.